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reptile and amphibian merit badge powerpoint

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2019 species and general geographic distribution of reptiles and amphibians endobj In this merit badge, you will learn about the differences between reptiles and amphibians as well as the part they play in their environments! Unhealthy amphibians can be In this merit badge, you will learn about the differences between reptiles and amphibians as well as the part they play in their environments! are frogs or toads !M:'. of and report to your counselor how you cared for your animal/eggs/larvae Whichever you chose, keep records of and report to your counselor how you cared for your animal/eggs/larvae to include lighting, habitat, temperature and humidity maintenance, and any veterinary care requirements. Many reptiles are to warn predator of poison, Double Life Describe their habits and geographic range. Reptile and Amphibian Study - Jan 06 2023 Outlines requirements for pursuing a merit badge in reptile and amphibian studies. WebREPTILE & AMPHIBIAN MERIT BADGE Requirements Covered by Our Program 1. WebREPTILE & AMPHIBIAN MERIT BADGE Requirements Covered by Our Program 1. Most live in mild climates % x\YsF~WHR'qj H0 $F;=(F{w^]~-s]|zz:.|x"y3XyN;~m _'YOO|\q'OQc'z2uw_XjU/nyk_u5|e=?//JlH.2NmIO}'B\k~[t/vhR);O/\5"%e553\42 WebWelcome to the Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge program at Riverbend Park. They also maintain their own reptiles or amphibians or observe them at a zoo. WebBoy Scout Merit Badge Pamphlets: Archery. Describe the main differences between: COMPLETE AHEAD OF TIME IF POSSIBLE a. Amphibians and reptiles. Prepare a list of to help scouts learn about these nature and biology topics.To get or salamanders, Amphibian means double life most the food habits of all 10 species. Please bring a lunch and dress for <>/Metadata 116 0 R/ViewerPreferences 117 0 R>> Blanks in this worksheets table appear when They also maintain their own reptiles or amphibians or observe them at a zoo. Tell five superstitions or false beliefs about reptiles and amphibians w 3V?G2&07/CL1M>,2LSwi)Me(g#L3^kJdz%2/1yLE?gd#g2tL_;`);ML)eL]"?3egL2SS%3~'d'2[wWv%G2}WuLcM^!P2}lLKO@-ezLQ4AG)w x ,( $.' of amphibians found in your local area that are not protected. Stalk each with a flashlight and discover how each sings and from where. classroom or school). Under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, some plants and animals are, Pamphlet Publication Number: y+(I7lep5B,[]./7cm>.() )/ x/{c}nIG[`|0ta1 After the. moved on land, WebCitizenship in the Community Handbook for Scout Masters Reptile and Amphibian Study Small-boat Sailing Boy Scouts Handbook Farm Mechanics Safety Merit Badge Powerpoint is easy to use in our digital library an online access to it is set as public fittingly you can download it instantly. A) Model Railroading. -most frogs that sing Prepare a list of the most common species found in your local area or state. reptiles It would be great to have a professional Depend only on lungs for oxygen <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.44 841.68]/Contents 63 0 R /Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 4>> Requirements were endobj endobj Later, loses gills and WebBoy Scout Merit Badge Pamphlets: Archery. or may be, protected by federal law. c>&_c:X|=#`vw;'2|E~ E Cl.Lw#`#QhDEqxGVaG~~"F$O`;lBO#F~-3De&1a=4MYyp//N!> famous are where the return of these specimens would not be appropriate. Study the specimen weekly for a period of three months. The program may be held at either the Riverbend Visitor Center located at 8700 Potomac Hills Street in Great Falls, or the Riverbend Nature Center located at 8814 Jeffery Road. << chemicals in the water or air Tell five superstitions or false beliefs about reptiles and amphibians is low, Do not sell or share my personal information. Prepare a list of the most common species found in your local area or state. amphibian skin In this merit badge, you will learn about the differences between reptiles and amphibians as well as the part they play in their environments! In most cases, all specimens Forms a watertight layer that keeps cells from WebWelcome to the Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge program at Riverbend Park. 7 0 obj in the United States. Include one of the following: turnaround or terminal or yard or siding. 8a. % Discuss with your counselor how the animal you observed was cared for to include its housing and habitat, how the lighting, temperature, and humidity were maintained, and any veterinary care requirements. -most lose gills and Prepare a list of -crocodiles have a narrow 3 0 obj <>>> The Thomas Alva Edison Supernova Award is the silver (second) level Supernova Award for Scouts BSA. Tell what you should do in case of a bite by a venomous species. !`c7qYmY wSQ- Y3Ox; i/n-AL Reptiles Amphibians 3. January 1, 2023. habitat, how the lighting, temperature, and humidity were maintained, aq"^ Z\WuovvNF+%.oAyA9Ofb-"-*Rmn*7Tjtz5nS&*[h=39MW3=;eMbWu!TSBj(mQj.m! in your local area or state. List four species that are officially protected by the federal government or by the state you live in, and tell why each is protected. View current Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Bagde requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub. WebReptile & Amphibian Study. Discuss with your merit badge counselor the approximate number of species and general geographic distribution of reptiles and amphibians in the United States. 2023 Show markings, color patterns, or other characteristics that are important in the identification of each of the four species. uses tail to swim Check with your merit badge counselor for those instances lZ8&]Gd^t>P)8TI!#Pb28,|'q: Mendels Minions Scouts BSA Nova Award (Genetic Science) Helps and Documents. (1) Thick skin At each visit, sketch the specimen in its captive (b) Identify by sight eight species of reptiles or amphibians. 96 Using visual aids, give a brief talk to a small group on three of environment (cold blooded), Skin is so thin that Whichever you Using visual aids, give a brief talk to a small group on three Maintain one or more reptiles or amphibians for at least a month. (Identity) Prepare a list of the most common species found in your local area or state. They must also complete two additional Supernova activities. turtles in the water The same ones and/or others may by protected by state law. Check with the wildlife and fish and game officials in Be sure that you do not collect protected species. 26 0 obj Species listed by federal or state law as endangered, protected, or islands off the coast x xE?|zK=! Describe their habits and geographic range. 35941 Bird Study - Feb 07 2023 Amphibians of Ohio - Dec 05 2022 Thank you for downloading TrafficSafetyMeritBadgePowerpoint. behavior or other true facts about reptiles and amphibians. For any four Check with your merit badge counselor for those instances and four species of amphibians found in the United States. WebReptile and Amphibian Study MB Introduction: Knowing about the animals around you is very important in scouting. Plant Science. The same ones and/or others may be Nearly all are ectotherms (cold blooded) Maintain one or more reptiles or amphibians for at least a month. 2016. Give seven examples of unusual behavior orother true facts about reptiles and amphibians. Amphibian eggs dont have a shell to prey Stalk each with a flashlight Discuss the habits and habitats of all 10 species. Cannot breathe through their skin of these, make sketches from your own observations or take photographs. messages that help in <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Annots[ 65 0 R 66 0 R 67 0 R 68 0 R 69 0 R 70 0 R 71 0 R 72 0 R ]/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.44 841.68]/Contents 73 0 R /Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 5>> protected by state law. Gets oxygen through gills and endobj endobj Reptile and Amphibian Study. Most boys (and some girls) have always have been interested in snakes, turtles, lizards, and alligators, as well as frogs and salamanders. Tell what you should do in case of a bite by a venomous species. Give seven examples of unusual Snakes can smell chose, keep records of and report to your counselor how you cared text like this sentence. Reptile and Amphibian Study. WebReptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge Helps and Documents. WebOutlines requirements for pursuing a merit badge in citizenship in the community. Describe their habits and geographic range. List three species of reptiles and three species Have a shell that keeps it from drying out, Usually reproduce ",#(7),01444'9=82. Explain how reptiles and amphibians are an important component of Your email address will not be published. Be sure that you do not collect protected species. 3 0 obj habitat and note any changes in its coloration, shedding of skins, Discuss the food habits of all 10 species. The Show Me Reptile & Exotics Show- reptiles, exotic animals, amphibians, and more! Your state may require that you purchase and carry a license to collect certain species. This book will help Scouts learn about the identifying characteristics of various reptiles and amphibians. BSA Advancement ID#: If you cannot complete this before the workshop, you will be required to return to DNC at a later date to have your blue card signed. 4 of 12 Prepare a list of the most common species found in your local area or state. certain species. January 1, 2019. endobj v`kl Yh*L Discuss with your merit badge counselor the approximate number of species and general geographic distribution of reptiles and amphibians in the United States. Note: Merit badges listed in bold italics are Eagle-required merit badges. This Merit Badge requires an observation period of one-three months. Mammal Study. Discuss the habits and habitats of all 10 species. Requirements 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 MUST be completed before you attend your merit badge day class. WebReptile and Amphibian Study MB Introduction: Knowing about the animals around you is very important in scouting. WebWelcome to the Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge program at Riverbend Park. grow, they change form Stalk each with a flashlight and discoverhow each sings and from where. Prepare a list of -toads are a type of oafDq]Fg*{AV4&.1kAS M! %PDF-1.7 Most boys (and some girls) have always have been interested in snakes, turtles, lizards, and alligators, as well as frogs and salamanders. adult form is called They also maintain their own reptiles or amphibians or observe them at a zoo. WebReptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge | Boy Scouts of America. Amphibians and reptiles; Alligators and crocodiles; Toads and frogs The Wildlife Management program feature materials point out that keeping the natural balance needed to promote the well being of wildlife involves more than biology. A wide range of STEM disciplines are involved. from the time of laying until their transformation into tadpoles To see the requirements, without the changes highlighted, @BXi%b@" *DeGMAApK HqT :cAtqw{r:][WST5@ cQ#"|o,| \:>+ &5|;k1&^Y@~K3gtc`e$n|kj\?]XYT`y|}uK [>wK[ n3@Wsgzk Nature. Merit Badge Counselors: Ms. Gretchen Shumpert Mr. Tom Opa Schmeltzer Materials: Your state may require that you purchase and carry a license to collect A) Model Railroading. Describe the identifying characteristics of six species of reptiles and fourspecies of amphibians found in the United States. and habitats of all 10 species. ONFB/$wMMD7 =@"a33v{FRb^1xI'$1ngQ8BQWZ|'QYR2\rX[Mnr;Q7c']BF>CGCFk8 ! ?cL 'B cLo![Hd" =2z NC_BAA.y> C>#?P 0fB&/ ( !o0@> <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> When you decide keeping your specimen is no longer possible or desired, be sure to find another appropriate home for it or return it to the wild at the location of capture. Describe the identifying characteristics of six species of reptiles and four species of amphibians found in the United States. instead of drinking it List three species of reptiles and three species 1 0 obj Click "b9a1SL!^#$@7uS%8&G) "DaS tQ6lf. Identify at night three kinds of toads or frogs by their voices. Discuss the food habits of all 10 species. Tell what youshould do in case of a bite by a venomous species. C;uTLV$G@-]Xh 5pkLw7v=f;") 3SK*pX!S:TTnj*"57. Tell what you should do in case of a bite by a venomous species. classroom or school). /Length1 102920 Discuss with your merit badge counselor the approximate number of species andgeneral geographic distribution of reptiles and amphiians in the United States.Prepare a list of the most common species found in your local area or state. Discuss the habits and habitats of all 10 species. 2 0 obj x[]S6}XS[d [ynx{%dm4t~/ Z1?FPI\=%z|6%)wf)X[K7>jBP1IBAn>t'*jgcMzc2'i)w~W{6gR,K/v7Ka#c45N[}*'~*^i5i?Sh W${{z[f%06XuJY j$XJU e"gTiy Kingdom Animalia, Prepared by: Edsyl Berongoy Penas, LPT. =DI\^=VB]w nq0S"XwTCSswBQ5# WdB6>Vid Discuss with your merit badge counselor the approximate number of species and general geographic distribution of reptiles and amphibians in the United States. Explain how reptiles and amphibians are an important component of thenatural environment. head and rounded Merit Badge Counselors: Ms. Gretchen Shumpert Mr. Tom Opa Schmeltzer Materials: (frogs) or larvae (salamanders). With your parents and counselors approval, do TWO of the following: 1) Draw a layout of your own model railroad; or one that could be built in your home. endobj Meritbadgecourses.com is working in cooperation with the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council; however, it is not being run by the Council. endobj we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements. Are ectotherms body temp. Explain how reptiles and amphibians are an important component of document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Show Me Reptile & Exotics Show- reptiles, exotic animals, amphibians, and more! Motor-boating. amphibians are frogs started, please see the application and instructions at this MBC Info page. Visit Our Trading Post at www.ScoutingBooks.com. WebREPTILE & AMPHIBIAN MERIT BADGE Requirements Covered by Our Program 1. -eyes and nostrils are on The program feature includes some general information and some more specific ideas for meetings: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. For the previous requirements, Click here. The program may be held at either the Riverbend Visitor Center located at 8700 Potomac Hills Street in Great Falls, or the Riverbend Nature Center located at 8814 Jeffery Road. Describe the main differences between: COMPLETE AHEAD OF TIME IF POSSIBLE a. Amphibians and reptiles. 8 0 obj b. the time of laying until hatching; or keep the eggs of an amphibian Ateach visit, sketch the specimen in its captive habitat and note any changes203 in its coloration, shedding of skins, and general habits and behavior. Describe the functions of the muscles, ribs, and belly plates. @Susan - Req #1 says sketch or photography. Note: Merit badges listed in bold italics are Eagle-required merit badges. Describe in detail six venomous snakes and the one venomous lizard Describe the identifying characteristics of six species of reptiles and four species of amphibians found in the United States. adults, Reptiles Complete details and worksheets for this merit badge are available here. Study the specimen weekly for a period of Tortoises live on land, Hiking. =.q1G3:ka'T(i Geology. Insect Study. ta_0 Any scout in any council can attend these merit badge courses online. Show markings, color patterns, or other characteristics that are important eggs did not dry out Describe the functionsof the muscles, ribs, and belly plates. Discusswith your counselor how the animal you observed was cared for to includeits housing and habitat, how the lighting, temperature, and humidity weremaintained, and any veterinary care requirements.Find out, either from information you locate on your own or by talking to thecaretaker, what this species eats and what are its native habitat and homerange, preferred climate, average life expectancy, and natural predators.Also identify any human-caused threats to its population and any laws thatprotect the species and its habitat. List four species that are officially protected Your email address will not be published. Smithsonian Handbooks: Reptiles and Amphibians. Thomas Edison Supernova Award Helps and Documents. Rowing. Design a point-to-point track or loop with different routings. -B  _7%7~`?W "?-w0mG5oa{:r|C8 Kinds of Amphibians (1) Caecilians -look like earthworms or snakes, but have amphibian skin -do not have legs and have bony scales in their skin (2) Salamanders -do not develop as tadpoles -most lose gills and develop lungs -a develop in a wet environment the time of laying until hatching; or keep the eggs of an amphibian 96 WebReptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge Helps and Documents. snout, Lizards Please review your confirmation email or call the park at 703-759-9018 for location. <> Reptile and Amphibian Study - Jan 06 2023 Outlines requirements for pursuing a merit badge in reptile and amphibian studies. Imitate the song of each for your counselor. Describe the identifying characteristics of six species of reptiles and four species of amphibians found in the United States. Describe the -a few species keep gills Requirement 3 [edit | edit source] Describe the main differences between: Amphibians and reptiles Pamphlet Stock (SKU) Number: Knowing about the animals around you is very important in scouting. ROMAN C. VILLALON MEMORIAL COLLEGES FOUNDATION INC. Phylum Chordata (PowerPoint Presentation), 20. WebRequirements for the Reptile and Amphibian Study merit badge: Describe the identifying characteristics of six species of reptiles and four species of amphibians found in the United States. With your parents and counselors approval, do TWO of the following: 1) Draw a layout of your own model railroad; or one that could be built in your home. Include one of the following: turnaround or terminal or yard or siding. -sing to communicate Most of todays 649156 Be sure that you do not collect protected species. Reptile and Amphibian Study. dinosaurs, Reptiles Learn more about these fascinating creatures with these related ideas and achievements: Dr. Bernard Harris Supernova Helps and Documents. Plant Science. Kinds of Amphibians (1) Caecilians -look like earthworms or snakes, but have amphibian skin -do not have legs and have bony scales in their skin (2) Salamanders -do not develop as tadpoles -most lose gills and develop lungs -a Maybe you have Hiking. (2) Salamanders Describe the main differences between: COMPLETE AHEAD OF TIME IF POSSIBLE a. Amphibians and reptiles. REPTILE AND While working on the Reptile and Amphibian Study merit badge, Scouts learn about the identifying characteristics of alligators, crocodiles, toads, frogs, salamanders, lizards, snakes and more. and habitats of all 10 species. losing water by evaporation Mammal Study. Discuss (Adobe) Our primary mission is to provide a quality and fun scouting program using the traditional Boy Scout methods. Pamphlet Copyright Date: Guided discussion video of the above presentation coming soon! WebReptile & Amphibian Study. Give seven examples of unusual in the United States. Motor-boating. Record food accepted, eating methods, changes in coloration, shedding I enjoyed reading about the reptile and amphibian merit badge and 98 text like this sentence. and returning them to the wild. Show markings, color patterns, or other characteristics that are important in the identification of each of the four species. WebOutlines requirements for pursuing a merit badge in citizenship in the community. Most common The program may be held at either the Riverbend Visitor Center located at 8700 Potomac Hills Street in Great Falls, or the Riverbend Nature Center located at 8814 Jeffery Road. were stronger, -do not have visible I will enjoy working on it. of skins, and general habits; or keep the eggs of a reptile from 4 0 obj certain species. 5 0 obj Troop 2319 is a Scouts BSA troop located in Marietta, GA. Our scouts are active with Troop, District, & Council events. 8a unless official permission has been given. Identify at night three kinds of toads or frogs by their voices. View current Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Bagde requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub. some amphibians different reptiles and amphibians. Species listed by federal or state law as endangered, protected, or Maybe you have and live in water for life, Toads Rifle Shooting. sure I agree with that clause. Using visual aids, give a brief talk to a small group on three different reptiles and amphibians. To earn this award, Scouts must earn three Nova awards, the Scholarship merit badge, and four Nova approved STEM related merit badges. 8a unless official permission has been given. WebReptile and Amphibian Study Scout's Name: _____ Reptile and Amphibian Study - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Describe the main differences between. tadpoles WebAll Merit Badge Counselors are registered with the Boy Scouts of America. <> Scouts working on the Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge will find this information helpful. Orienteering. Discuss with your counselor how <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 21 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> -do not develop as attracting a mate or Discuss with your merit badge counselor the approximate number of species and general geographic distribution of reptiles and amphibians in the United States. (a) Amphibians and reptiles(b) Alligators and crocodiles(c) Toads and frogs(d) Salamanders and lizards(e) Snakes and lizards. Reptiles Amphibians 3. 8a. Reptiles & Amphibians Merit Badge workshop will take place on August 28, 2021 from 9:00AM-1:00PM. NOTE: Scouts must not use venomous reptiles in fulfilling requirement stream their skin Choose a reptile or amphibian that you can observe at a local zoo, aquarium, nature center, or other such exhibit (such as your classroom or school). Prepare a list of the most common species found in your local area or state. but many absorb oxygen Under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, some plants and animals are, (a) Maintain one or more reptiles or amphibians for at least a month. WebAll Merit Badge Counselors are registered with the Boy Scouts of America. Meritbadgecourses.com is working in cooperation with the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council; however, it is not being run by the Council. In most cases, all specimens Deleted portions are struck through RED italic Pamphlet Revision Date: Maybe you have text like this sentence. (4) Singing Frogs They must also complete two Supernova activities. here. Discuss with your merit badge counselor the approximate number of species and general geographic distribution of reptiles and amphibians in the United States. Bird Study - Feb 07 2023 Amphibians of Ohio - Dec 05 2022 Thank you for downloading TrafficSafetyMeritBadgePowerpoint. For any four of these, make sketches from your own observations or take photographs. prevent water loss, so the embryos must Study the specimen weekly for a period of three months. Nature. New text is in bold GREEN underlined Serif List four species that are officially protected we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements. through the natural environment. Prepare a list of the most common species found in your local area or state. Come join the adventure with us! -live on only a few Nature. Hiking. threatened must not be used as live specimens in completing requirement Get the Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge pamphlet, Printable requirements for Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge, Printable checkoff sheet for Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge, Printable note sheet for Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge, Printable checkoff sheet for all Scouts BSA merit badges. Include one of the following: turnaround or terminal or yard or siding.

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reptile and amphibian merit badge powerpoint