These BoJack Horseman quotes were spoken by BoJack's mom, Beatrice Horseman. She is not excited to see him either, but explains that his heroic deeds have intrigued someone she works for and that she now has an opportunity for him: she asks if he wants to be the governor. So how do you think that makes me feel? BoJack, accepting his fate, asks if he can at least stay on the phone with her, she agrees. Some of the most celebrated narratives of the 21st century especially on television are explicitly about identifying with men who do terrible things. Karl said Diane de Beauvau-Craon [a French princess and a pal of Mr. Lagerfeld's] would call me. At the start of the series, in 2014, Diane meets BoJack for a second time and is hired to ghostwrite BoJack's autobiography, meant to serve as his comeback, by BoJack's publisher, Pinky Penguin. She also served as a consultative writer for the film but was asked to do menial tasks such as making sure nobody tripped over the cables. Who the hell are you?". Diane's critique extends beyond herself and goes on to target the audience of BoJack itself. Even though her friendship with BoJack is sometimes unhealthy, she helps him anyway by suggesting rehab. After Diane, who is at VIM talks to Mr. Peanutbutter, who is at MBN, he thinks she's in New York too, but quickly tells her he's not accusing her and that he feels better when he knows where she is. Diane says she isn't happy and that helping people and making a difference with Sebastian St. Clair could give her a reason to get out of bed. After he leaves BoJack and Diane climb back inside, where Diane tells BoJack shes leaving for herself, but she needs to hear him say hell be ok. His first plan goes awry and Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter end up moving their wedding to the following week. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. However, this also leads her to second-guess herself many times when she's unable to force the change she wants to see in others. In New York, she goes to Manatee Fair, where the editor and chief for Manatee Fair, Amanda Hannity, is willing to back up Diane and help her bring down Hank. The two peacefully agree on their differences, but then it cuts to them loudly arguing on the news about the opposing views. She calls him about this, where he reveals he wrote it in on weekend, and even calls writing easy. 9: 9 "Horse Majeure" Joel Moser: Peter A. Knight: August 22, 2014 () 109 It Goes Away, Right? She doesn't say anything, but the look on her face makes her realization clear she has been giving BoJack cover of her friendship, and he's done some terrible things under that cover. BoJack Horseman: The Art Before The Horse, Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuack, BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One, wanted to learn more about her background, when she died and gave her the heroin that killed her, Brie herself expressed regret on her Instagram,,,,,, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Mr. Peanutbutter's house in Los Angeles, California (circa 2007-2018), Diane was first created as a network/development executive who wanted to help. Before he leaves, he assures Diane shes the most beautiful person in the world to him. Todd asks Diane for advice on his sham wedding to Courtney Portnoy in Stupid Piece of Sh*t, while she is talking to Roxy on the roof of her and Mr. Peanutbutter's house. BoJack and Diane argue at the premiere of Philbert in Season 5. In The Shot, Diane is seen in war-torn Cordovia with Sebastian St. Clair, writing about him and interacting with the refugees, including a little boy named Kinko, despite Sebastian warning her not to get attached to any of them. Diane escapes through the bathroom window, and after Guy throws her suitcase out the window she walks back to the hotel. Diane says no to the offer, which shocks and confuses Stefani as she literally has never been said "no" to before. This upsets Hollyhock and she runs out. She falls in love with her cameraman, Guy, who shares a connection with her and asks her to move to Chicago. It seems as if she and Mr. Peanutbutter are about to reconcile and continue with their engagement, until Mr. Peanutbutter regales he cheated on her with Diane twice, which makes Pickles freak out again, screaming loud enough to break glass around them, including the window, and she runs outside crying. They travel there to meet him, but shortly after they arrive Diane gets a call from an upset Mr. Peanutbutter. Diane says she has written another one, but she won't publish it if he drops out of the race, and when he refuses, saying publishing the article will embarrass them and she always has to air her dirty laundry when someone disagrees with her. In Live Fast, Diane Nguyen, it was revealed that Diane had a tough childhood, with her parents and four brothers tormenting and belittling her and acting rude and crass, and would go on to openly resent her for leaving home to make something of herself and accuse her of thinking shes better than them because of it. She didn't, Bojack did. She realizes she wasn't happy above ground either and breaks down. For now, he's finished with show businessfor a few years at least, until the public decides to forgive him yet again. BoJack jokingly agrees with her that L.A. will let in literally anyone. She did this due to the fact she was so in love with BoJack and he never called back which made her insanely jealous. March 19, 1980 [1] This causes a big argument between the two, ending with Diane leaving the writing team for Philbert and with BoJack telling Diane about what happened in New Mexico. He attends the wedding without incident and reconciles with Diane about the awkwardness between them. She then vents about how more people will watch Philbert than read anything she writes, and how being a woman isn't just a hobby, and men get a lot more advantages than women do. He closes the door and asks her why she's being so nice to him after everything he had done. In 2007, she had short hair with long parted bangs, a similar style to how she wears in Season 5. This forces Diane, who had been hired as a consultant on the show thanks to BoJack, to realize and confront the weight of what she's done by associating herself with Philbert, who is yet another extension of BoJack. She says she's tired of her creating problems and sarcastically pities her for having a husband and being able to have children, which are two things she might struggle to get at her age. She starts to rant on how she felt bad for BoJack when Sarah Lynn died, but at the same time wondered about his involvement in it. However, Mr. Peanutbutter surprises Diane by revealing he had a "Belle-room" installed in their new home. BoJack asks Diane how he should greet everyone in rehab, and wonders if this was a bad idea. But Season 5 suggests that this message of redemption may actually be harmful. Diane is then seen on the news arguing with Cardigan and Tom, as BoJack tries to divert attention to himself. During a visit from BoJack, she admits shes worried taking them will make her "nothing" and they wont change anything. The next day Guy meets her outside the building Whitewhale with her coat. Mr. Peanutbutter convinces her to stay home for the time being. Diane says she can handle it, but she ends up returning to L.A. She doesn't tell Mr. Peanutbutter, who earlier apologized for being against her going to Cordovia and told her he was proud, and she instead hides out at BoJack's house where she loafs around and sleeps on his deck, much to the annoyance of Wanda. It's a pretty powerful moment, as BoJack tries to reassure her while fighting his own demons. BoJack tries explaining the plot lines to Diane, admitting he doesn't understand them either, but what's important right now is to prove their not sexist. Residence In Later, her biography of BoJack earned him the Golden Globe Award for Best Comedy or Musical, despite not being a movie. I really do, BoJack.". He asks if this was a mistake, and Diane responds saying no. The next morning Diane, after seeing a passed out BoJack on the chair next to her, sneaks out. After a series of failed attempts, he is advised by character actress Margo Martindale to confess his feelings to Diane. He quickly apologizes and goes to talk to his brother, who reveals he has a twisted spleen and he's getting surgery to remove it. One time, when Diane was sixteen, her brothers all took turns writing letters to her pretending to be a secret pen-pal named Leo, then six months later they hired a hobo to pretend to be Leo and take her to homecoming. Diane passes out by this point, and BoJack covers her with a blanket. They offer to let the two of them sleep it off in their guest bedroom but in their high state, BoJack and Sarah Lynn run off. Diane says maybe she'd be safer in Cordovia. Meanwhile, Mr. Peanutbutter is throwing a campaign fundraiser at his house. Written by ", "I Want To Feel Good About Myself. However, in coming to terms with his faults and failures, BoJack asks Diane to tell him that he is still a good person inside and pleads with her to give him that sense of security. BoJack tells Diane he really wanted her to like him, to which Diane replies "I know.". Diane arrives in Vietnam but gets a call from Stefani, telling her she wants more content for GirlCroosh. The coffee table is cracked in half and "repaired" with duct tape. 2. This makes it to the news, and Diane receives backlash for trying to attack a "national treasure.". Later 26m Months after his memoir is released, BoJack's being considered for a role that's a lifelong dream. BoJack ends up staying home and hanging out with Diane, to Wanda's disapproval. He manages to get to the phone as black tar, representing death, chases, and surrounds him. Diane says that he should feel guilty, and rants about how she also feels like trash over the past year; not like a warm, cozy trash-can fire but as a full-on flaming garbage barge. BoJack corrects her and says it was New Mexico, and begins to tell her about what he did, but says all that happened was that he stayed with a family he knew, got a boat, and came back. Princess Carolyn and Todd join them, and the former congratulate them on a great party. After BoJack hangs up Diane asks him what happened to being honest, and he says he didn't think it would happen so fast. During the finale of Season 5, it's revealed that Diane cares for others in her own strange way. Shortly after the meeting with Stefani, she starts to assemble a bed frame, albeit incorrectly. This causes people to backlash against Biel for hating avocado, much to Katrina's dismay. He calmly confronts her over the article she published about him. Diane gets out of the car to console BoJack. Diane then flies into a rage and drives off with the truck holding her father's chummed remains. He finalizes the call by stating that they'd discuss what happened in the morning. She bumps into BoJack during the red carpet and asks him why he has an arm sling. Diane says she thinks the truth is worth pursuing, no matter what, and many other celebrities have done far worse and they still have careers. Matt Garofalo She still went against her friend's wishes, however, and hurt BoJack after he grew to trust her. After Mr. Peanutbutter takes Diane home, BoJack, after getting drunk out of misery, steals the "D" from the Hollywood sign in order to impress her, and he wakes up the next day to find it on his deck. She angrily kicks a cardboard cutout of BoJack, sending a Philbert float into the air. BoJack panics and says that he doesn't know how to do that, and gets out his opioids. After she writes a fictional middle-grade story about teen detective Ivy Tran, she is concerned this wont connect to as much to people as a personal memoir about her childhood trauma would. He tells her that she's too good for writing Instagram captions. In It's You, after it is announced BoJack is nominated for an Oscar, he throws a wild party. She also tells BoJack that she doesn't regret marrying Mr. Peanutbutter, because there are people in your life who make you who you are even if they're not in your life forever. The book tour has arrived in Tallahassee. And You Have No Idea., I Need To Go Take A Shower So I Cant Tell If Im Crying Or Not., Why Did You Save Me? Ralph then agrees to leave. Diane, on her way to work, shows her dislike of fracking, stating that if Mr. Peanutbutter is for fracking, she will be super upset. Princess Carolyn asks Diane how she's feeling, and she says she feels shitty but that she's glad she did it. Diane spends the majority of the episode getting back massages by the pool. Is BoJack a tragic hero whose actions should be forgiven because he's "working through something"? Bojack Horseman is a show that goes all in on the details. She runs into Mr. Peanutbutter who compliments her haircut but leaves her to talk to Erica. In What Time Is It Right Now, Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter are about to get "back to normal" as they prepare to move into their new home. Diane's relationship with BoJack in Season 5 changes as she begins to reflect on how she's enabled his harmful behavior. This contrasts rather sharply with her somewhat feeble moral compass, which tends to "flip-flop" when it comes to what she truly believes is the right thing, such as her stance on gun control, leading her to be admittedly hypocritical. At nighttime, Mr. Peanutbutter goes into his office, where Diane is typing on her laptop. The scene hits viewers hard as BoJack and Wanda's relationship ends. Around the same time, BoJack wakes up to the sound of the fire alarm. Kelsey replies that he is also emotionally stunted because of his fame. ", "Why Can't I Be Happy? Sometime after moving there, she worked as a barista at Starbucks and also as a part-time caterer with her friends Roxy and Wayne, the latter of whom she briefly dated. From a terrible childhood to rocky relationships in his career to bad friendships to alcohol and substance abuse, fans can agree that BoJack has been through a lot. She agrees to go despite Mr. Peanutbutter wanting to just stay in. However, the huge amount of traffic starts tension between them, but they collect themselves and decide to pull over and stay at the hotel. In Diane's case, she has had twoshe cuts her hair into a short bob style with an undercut shortly before, While Alison Brie has received acclaim for voicing Diane, she and series creator Raphael Bob-Waksburg have also received some criticism for it, due to Brie herself being white and voicing a Vietnamese American character. Diane then jokingly says, "I must have one of those faces.". A preoccupied BoJack, however, did not acknowledge her awkward attempt to introduce herself, and rudely dismissed her, making her feel embarrassed. She then tells him she doesnt regret the knowing him, but also all but says this is likely the last time the two will ever speak to each other, due to BoJacks toxicity and the fact she needs to move on with her own life. Airdate Some guests begin confessing their regrets. BoJack is relieved, saying that he'd go back to the past and prevent this whole situation if he could, because he doesn't need any more of him running around. When Mr. Peanutbutter's house falls underground due to his support for fracking, the guests at his fundraisers get trapped in his house for 10 days. Diane shouts, "I regret everything!" He has hurt Diane, Princess Carolyn, and Todd numerous times throughout the series. It's heartbreaking, especially for anyone who has ever been in a similar position. Diane gets herself together and meets one of her clients, teen pop star Sextina Aquafina, at Restaurant Elephant. Mr. Peanutbutter apologizes for his grand gestures and explains how much he loves her despite having different personalities. Diane says that nothing she does causes any real change to happen, but BoJack says that she changed him. Someone has a question for Diane, asking if she was worried that the book would ruin BoJack's reputation, which BoJack also wants an answer to. Diane fills this role nicely, but since she's antagonistic in this way I think it rubs some people the wrong way. Diane tries to encourage the audience to only talk about the book until one man says women are always making broad accusations to get attention, and when they don't have proof they just slink away. Thoughts and Prayers However, she eventually realized while she didnt trust her happiness, she trusted Guy, and she moved to Houston and later married him, the latter of which she reveals to BoJack by showing a wedding ring on her left hand. Guy ends up sending Princess Carolyn the Ivy Tran pages, which she thinks is a better concept than Diane's memoir. Sarah Lynn?" He is selfish and overlooks the needs of others. Her dad once made her lose a game of Boggle to her brothers so they wouldnt have to lose to a girl as revealed in. recent deaths in greenfield,ca ; david custom knives . As BoJack enters the building, Diane chuckles a bit and takes another puff of her cigarette. She can become petty and spiteful when pushed beyond her limit. BoJack and Diane get drunk together after Mr. Peanutbutter's house collapses in an earthquake due to the fracking in the backyard. BoJack pays a surprise visit to Diane, who is still in her pajamas and has surrounded the living room with empty pizza boxes, coffee cups, and beer bottles. At one point, she says "You know, it's funny, because the last time I saw you, you told me that you needed me in your life, and then you just disappeared. They start digging despite Woodchuck's, who is tied to the ceiling fan, protests for them not to. BoJack would confirm on his Twitter that she was born on March 19, 1980. He tells her she can put this in the book, and that he doesn't care what anyone thinks anymore. Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter are married on June 13, 2014. Two months later, Guy returns and finds Diane among the crowd of people at the airport. Alexi catches up to her outside her house. Most of her worst qualities are brought to the surface by her temper. After leaving Herb's, BoJack pulled over to the side of the road to collect himself. When Diane starts to doubt him, he gets mad at her and says just because she has a bad relationship with her family doesn't mean everyone else does. Diane says she's contacted Hank's pasts assistants, but she hasn't heard anything. Although BoJack denies it, he and Mr. Peanutbutter begin competition of one-upmanship to see who can impress Diane more. Each frame is packed full of so many tiny in-jokes and background puns that it feels like you could watch the entire series several times . He calls her on her cell phone and she pretends to be in Cordovia even though he can see her. She tells them that she brought them together because with Diane's feminist brain and BoJack's male face they can actually say things that people will listen to. Mr. Peanutbutter is having a during a TV interview with Tom Jumbo-Grumbo when he learns about Diane's article against him, that says if "frack-happy politicians" knew how bad fracking was they wouldn't allow it in their own backyards. So ironically, despite being the most common name in Vietnam, it has no uniform pronunciation. Princess Carolyn, in return, tells her it was an honor to work with her. However, when she is alone with him he says very nihilistic things about life. The fuel behind the ongoing narrative of BoJack Horseman has been the belief held by other characters, that despite BoJack's many misgivings, that he can somehow be better.
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