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barrel chested golf swing


It isnt as easy as that, of course. GIVEAWAY! It has been historically taught that way, but there is no biomechanical reason or advantage to changing the stance widths. I just never made the connection. Bowing over more from the hips in the setup will allow a little more room for the arm to sit on top of chest and still comfortably hang to the ball. The bigger your chest is it shortens your arms at address and swing which in result you can utilize proper club length. Follow NCG on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and dont forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for free online golf instruction, the latest equipment reviews, and much, much more. Thanks. If not, click, Next, well add to the setup by talking about, Golf Lag: Stop Casting, Lag like Tiger Woods. I also pivot better if I flare both feet out quite a bit, especially the front foot. Pete, you are right on track. Are their set up or swing adjustments to make when thick chested? The book is packed with plenty of easy-to-read, simple tips aimed at older golfersthough that doesnt mean younger players cant learn from it! When bowing toward the ball, do you retain wrist cock as when held at belt buckle height? I played football at 238lbs, full back, and used to lift a lot. Herman. I am barrel chested, could this be the cause? No, you just pick the ball up and throw it in one natural movement and without a thought. Golfers must rotate the arms on the backswing In order to take a full backswing. Due to this reason, shaft-length will often be standard or slightly shorter than standard (1-2cm less than std) since the chest is bowed over closer to the ground and lie angle just be standard. Putter: Odyssey 2 ball XG 40" Armlock w/ winn grip and triple track alignment, Ball: looking for chrome soft replacement. In other words train your hands for impact first, and try to get to duck-hooking as soon as possible. I'm 5'6' and about 175 pounds. and it sees you, it is trembling. So try to base your decision on your need for mobility, not so much on how wide your shoulders are. Variety being the "spice of life" and all that, we are not created equal in all aspects. If ball is truly too far forward you might pull it or hit it fat/thin. TSR2 9 Velocore Blue 6XTSi2 15 Velocore Blue 7X818H2 18 Velocore Blue 9XZX5 MkII 4-5 / ZX7 MkII 6-P Modus 120XWilson Forged Staff 50 Modus 120X, Vokey SM9 54/60Modus 125 Wedge2-Ball 11 CH. I had never heard of this setup before and found it promoted a steeper plan for me which is good as I tend to get a little laid off and stuck. But here are a few things to check. So, I went with a neutral grip. Cant wait to apply this into my routine so all the other tips and compensations might not be needed. For the one-piece takeaway, you can still make a one-piece movement while pivoting. 1: Ball Position This is the most common mistake I see among amateur golfers. Keep up the good work and I will continue to keep in touch. Hermaqn, Does it appear that way cause they are taller? I don't know if this is helpful as I shy away from physical swing advice however being 6'2"/225 with a 49" chest/51 jacket, which is always a PITA as the stuff usually comes in even sizes, however My chest never stopped me from gettin it back-, I was extremely flexible my last year(2012) in the game as I was actively still playing hoops and I was Natiional Ski Patrol-, The only "key" that I ever thought of, and that was decades ago as my body and swing was the same from college on and that is my left tricep across my pec going back-, You might look at some single plane stuff and I've posted a vid of Hal's swing and while he's taller than you, he's got the barrel chest-, I got to Play with him in 2010 and '12 and along with bein a super guy(I started likin him when he scoffed at the Tour boi Tiger love and scoffed at Tiger and beat him when few others could), he's still got a sweet swing-, And he's proud of that belly, tellin me in that Texas draw, "I earned this some b****," lmao, The best to ya and have a great season :), In the end, only three things matter~

How much that you loved

How mightily that you lived

How gracefully that you accepted both victory & defeat

GHIN: Beefeater 24. That is what I do anyway, for what ever it is worth. Check the midpoint position of your backswing in front of a mirror from the down-the-line view. Clearly, when I shifted too far right I threw my spine angle way off. I don't care what guys say, [b]the way they describe the pivot, with right side extension and left side tilting was brilliant for me. Herman, Place yourself in a balanced, athletic position, with the ball in the centre of the club face. The clubhead will lower to the ground directly in the center of your stance, butt of club still pointed at belt buckle. Stay in touch. Swing the golf club more around your body This weeks swing analysis shows how by swinging the golf club more around your body will help hit the golf ball more out of the centre of the. Not exactly short and stocky though. If it was Now for the Back Nine would be a very short book. Please note that l am hitting the ball straight with perhaps the merest hint of a draw. Wishon 929 HS 14.5*, 19* 0.5 Open [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaCMiAslT_k[/media] [quote name='sblack5' timestamp='1385096461' post='8188352'] Hopefully when I post an update after my trip to Jacksonville in Feb I will be down about 30 lbs. 2023 JM Eagle LA Championship (April 27-30), Moi matched my iron set, now living on the heel, Diamana PD 50TX; Diamana TB 80TX; Cleveland RTX6 Zipcore 52/10; Best Grip Microperf Midsize Augusta grips. Much appreciated. A stronger grip tends to push the hands farther forward as its the only position that feels comfortable. I know you reccomend in this video that the clubface be centered in your stance at address, but could you speak a bit about that forward shaft lean at address and whether that is something you advocate. I am not sure what you are asking, but I think you are saying you don't like your backswing. ProV1X. This has been a struggle. Peter has generously given us a copy to give away. is Pure Gold. In order to look more conventional youre probably going to endure some pain along the way to reverse those habits. Thanks a mill. I have always wondered what it feels like to swing for a guy that is very flexible and thinner? Have your feet roughly shoulder-width apart keeping good alignment (don't bend knees in or out) Sit back like sitting on a chair whilst keeping your chest higher than the hips and exhale (breath out) as you jump up. Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to PETER FINCH now http://bit.ly/SubscribePFGolfBook Lesson With PETER FINCH at Quest Golf herehttps://quest.glflocker.com/BookingSyFeel free to comment below! Basically we create the setup while standing a few inches too far away from the ball, then slide the clubhead up behind the ball as the feet take a small step forward. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAP7cA8kq9U"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAP7cA8kq9U[/url] Right now, you're chunking golf shots because the low point of your swing happens before you reach the ball. Mizuno MP18 3-Pw/ PX 6.0 Among Boomer's timeless lessons was . Next, attach the right hand to the club. Try to feel like this turning move starts at your left hip area as you are coming down in downswing. Also upright is super comfortable for me because I have more room but it's not nearly as consistent and I tend to hit a lot more bad shots with hard to control distance because I'm so steep, Titleist TSR3 8* / Fuji Ventus Black TR 6X, Callaway Big Bertha Alpha 18* / Veylix Rome 988X, Edel SMS iron 4-5 / DG TI X100 ///// SMS PRO irons 6-PW / DG TI X100. Never heard that term before. I've tried that upright swing before, and it just doesn't feel comfortable. In a perfect swing, the hips should rotate from the setup position, 45-degrees away from the ball on the backswing. Dont worry so much about backswing for now. Herman. Dare I say a more stack-n-tilt backswing has help me tremendously, but I won't get into those specific "labels" here. Great observation, Jim, and thanks for paying such close attention. Any attempt to roll your hands over is negated by having such a strong grip forearms are basically locked into that 3-knuckle position. One advantage is normally you can generate quite a bit of power with a short swing. If I keep the right arm, shoulder, elbow soft it all works. My short arms relative to chest are a major issue, I can't get my left arm across my chest, too much space between left arm and chest, and then can't get right elbow in front of right hip,it bounces off my gut and upper chest.. I'm going to have to get one! We test length with impact sensitive tape to determine where you hit the face. Like this? Get that left arm up high and across the chest and actually try to maintain a slightly closed appearance with the upper chest and shoulders relative to the feet. Being Gumby isn't all its cracked up to be. Look at BrianL99's post. Pasted as rich text. If the lead arm is sitting on the side of the body, the chest is in the way of starting a proper takeaway and backswing. Try to make what amounts to a forward press with your hips and knees in the setup. My worry is that l am not hitting the ball as far more so my irons than my driver. Kevin, my first thought is youve got to really identify your natural style. Rich, most golfers report that same perception. You are now in the proper golf address position with an athletic posture , basically a ready position that would apply to any sport. My problem on the way down is dropping my right shoulder down too much instead of taking it out to the ball. Lookup member hstead and his progress threadbiggest upper body of any golfer I've seen He's the model swing I strive for. Ive been battling this for years trying to figure out what is the correct position from how I have my wrists either pointing down or or cocked too much please help:). I like that thinking mans golf coach. Ive always felt like you deserve to know why you are doing something beyond the standard reason my pro told me too. Its a lot easier to stay committed when you completely understand where youre coming from and where youre trying to go. Can you give me some advice? Mizuno MP18 2fh / PX 6.0 At any rate, be sure to check in a mirror to verify the look if it looks like Tiger and Rory, youre probably ok. Good luck. . Well last week i decided to try it since using your move of bringing the club down in slot before clearing and keeping trunk turned away at same time. Do not try to sit down to get low enough if the clubs feel too short. Herman, Great Job on the videos ,I live in Greensboro and am lefty,Iwill be calling for a lesson soon . I am working on it though. Most back-niners cant swing back as fully as they once did but can still complete their follow-through so this is where they need to concentrate their energies. I don't care what guys say, the way they describe the pivot, with right side extension and left side tilting was brilliant for me. Look at my release article and video and go for a neutral grip and really train hard at getting your right forearm and hand to turn down and over through impact. He Played at 225(5'11"), though he would spend most of his LD career at 240-245. I also used to waggle my hips forward and back slightly before setting my weight to the back foot and beginning my take-away. Good luck and thanks for stopping by and commenting. With this grip I swing in-out and hit nice draws but occasional hooks.maybe a hosel here and there. I have a question regarding the position of the handle of the golf club. Herman, Hi Herman, The whole coil and feel the stretch in the left lat thing don't really register on me. Fred. So my feet and shoulders do not match. I tolerate forward shaft lean but dont advocate it. Sub70 699U 19.5* This tried and tested method of coaching has helped many golfers achieve their personal goals and beyond We literally use the club as a yardstick to measure the body distance from the ball. First off, the elbow joint cant bend targetward in this position so it helps prevent chicken winging and it slightly preloads the left forearm for a strong release. Just making sure. We teach this on day one to every beginner we encounter, and they dont think this game is so hard to learn. Anyway, I have recently been looking at many more articles in an effort to get more distance, I am no slouch I have worked in the building industry all life and think I am reasonably fit for 58, I just stumbled on your videos and have watched them over and over and over in an effort to ingrain the moves, very interesting, properly explained and like what other people have said, no one has ever properly explained why and I was seriously thinking about quitting the game altogether, I am today going to try out all of what I have learned by watching your instruction and will keep you posted on the results, here is to hoping that at long last I have found someone who actually wants people to learn the game properly. ENTER NOW! All shafts are S2S Stepless Steel Wishon, At 285 and wearing a 54 long jacket, I struggle with a one plane move. Titleist TSi 16.5 Graphite Design AD DI 7S I took up golf when I hit the age of 50, I used my friends 7 iron and hacked my way around a local course and became addicted, I had a couple of lessons along the way from a pro and started to read / watch videos on the net. This motion gets you into a fully coiled position at the top of your backswing. I probably do have to stand slightly more away from the ball than a Davis Love type player. Not straight enough basically. 2. GolfWRX_Spotted posted a topic in Tour and Pre-Release Equipment, April 24, GolfWRX_Spotted posted a topic in Tour and Pre-Release Equipment, April 17, GolfWRX_Spotted posted a topic in Tour and Pre-Release Equipment, April 10, GolfWRX_Spotted posted a topic in Tour and Pre-Release Equipment, March 27, GolfWRX_Spotted posted a topic in Tour and Pre-Release Equipment, March 20, Please put and questions or comments here, Please put any questions or comments here. See What Members Are Saying! Epic Fail. One setup issue a I struggle with is spine tilt. Let the club fall half way down from bending at the hips, then let the wrists uncock enough to finish lowering the club to the ground. I usually see a lot of slouching in my clientele with lots of forward shoulder rounding especially in adult men beyond 30 years of age. have been following your site for some time now and find your teaching illuminating and always interesting. Isnt low point therefore beneath left arm socket? Brian Smock has a great swing and has a thick chest. I love almost all your vdeos but in this one Once you have established the left hand grip, raise the left arm up on top of and across the chest (tricep lays on the pec.) Were no different take all the time necessary to create the setup and aim the shot; slowly, carefully march the setup over to the ball; waggle to count down and relax; then press the button triggering the motion the swing itself is over in less than a second and a half. In this first of his swing tips for senior golfers taken from the book, Peter explains why its important to simplify the golf swing. My lower back is on it's last legs. Yrrdead - those are some great stretches. Paige Spiranac has the same problem. My left bicep hits my left pec and I physically can't move it any further. This will raise your left hip and drop your right hip and knee. I will report back. I was glad to see him win. A bit like throwing a ball, you can actually lob it with a minimal backswing because the power is all in the follow-through. So ready to give up! Your advice has helped quite a bit. [/quote] [*][size=4][b]Titleist T200 5-9 KBS Tour Flt [/b][/size] Miguel, The best way to test this is to see what length you hit most easily centered in the clubface. But it should be said that I spend a lot of time each day stretching. 5 mistakes all golfers make on par 3 holes, Marcus Westerberg Chipping Tips: Stop helping the ball in the air, PGA Tour star reveals what it's like to play with a red-hot Jon Rahm, Equipment brand publicly cuts ties with LIV Golf stars, 'The DP World Tour feeds the PGA Tour it's always been like that', Keith Pelley: 'I have no influence on the Ryder Cup', Keep your feet together to improve your chipping. Thanks for the information on the setup. Thanks for the compliments fellas. when i lift my tricep on top of my pec, i feel a lot of tension in my left arm, mainly the upper part of my arm and left shoulder, does this sound like a correct feeling ? What's my problem? Mike Adams in particular has stated that at address the left arm could set on top of the pec, not to the side, for folks with this issue. 5-PW: Callaway X Forged '13 w/ Project X Pxi 6.0 3 Wood: Callaway Rogue Sub Zero 15* w/ Hzrdus Yellow 6.5 76g DGA3, February 3, 2016 in Instruction & Academy. I posted some of this in another thread recently but i'll link you some of these video's of great warm up routines that should improve your mobility. In Photo 2 I'm using a credit card, which is thin enough to demand that you keep that left shoulder and upper arm connected to the torso, but light enough to not interfere with the swing. (Lefty) what are the positions and or movements that my wrists/forearms should make to have a square club face at impact? HighDraw, I am the other way around, played at 240 and now weigh 275 lol. I'm looking for suggestions or thoughts about what an effective swing would be for this type of body. Intro Rotating Your Chest PROPERLY In A Golf Swing Athletic Motion Golf 177K subscribers Subscribe 5.4K Share 303K views 3 years ago Get your FREE distance injection here:. Please explain. You mean a golfer exists with a bigger chest than me? I have lost significant distance, consistency and golf balls trying to get flatter and deeper. Ping G430 Max 10.5 Fujikura Ventus Velocore Blue 6X Bow forward more at the hips if necessary. This should give you enough stability for balance while also having enough mobility to pivot freely. What's right for one may not be for another. Make sure: (1) Your left leg gently bumps the wall as you start down, and (2) the back of your left hand faces the wall as it comes down in front of. Yes, the word Fanny can be used in a different context here in Oz but I dont believe anyone would be offended. . Its about finding what works for your body type. Is that the answer? Your observations as a weight lifter are spot on. MEMBER REVIEWS: Cleveland Frontline Elite Putters! The left arm over the left chest was the issue. Watching the Stadler video convinces me to go back to my natural, upright motion. [/quote] Your previous content has been restored. Just found your website Saturday while watching Billy Hurley 111 get into position to win(and he did on Sunday) at the tour event in D.C. , looking for a blog on left arm on top or to the side,and was amazed that Hurley followed your set-up routine almost to the letter! Thanks Jean. This post is 4years old now but the same issues remain for some of us. Here's how to do it. 3) Stronger grip should help, but i dont like a different grip for irons and woods. Before any more rambling I guess my main question is: Since I have a normal Height(178cm), below average Arms (my wrists to floor is 88cm , 3cm more than a normal guy with 178) and a thick chest, what do you think the length and lie of the irons should be changed relative to the standard ones? Keep the left arm straight and across the chest as you slowly lower the arm until the butt of the club is straight out from your belt buckle, shaft horizontal to the ground, toe of club pointed straight up. Your body will feel stuck and your hands will whip over quickly, My swing continues to improve with using your videos to guide me. I haven't asked for a refund yet since it isn't really Dans fault. If you have any suggestions to help my setup, particularly the hip issue, Id appreciate it. Was pumped to work at a professional golf tournament. Wedges: Callaway Forged 50, Vokey SM7 54S & 60L - DG wedge flex The whole coil and feel the stretch in the left lat thing don't really register on me. Once you have established the left hand grip, raise the left arm up on top of and across the chest (tricep lays on the pec.) I am looking forward to the next video and some warmer weather so I can get my clubs checked and re-gripped. I've done either and vary on it. It was more like a shitty music festival than a golf tournament. Hstead that line about being 215 and looking like you had AIDS just killed me. I tend to setup comfortably in an open stance with all clubs. What's a "3 barrel hitter?" Their strength is not enough to overcome the shorter ROM and general stiffness. Fairways:Honma TW747 15* /18* Early release is the only result, so no chance of any lag. I've been doing the limber 11 for the past few days, and will be starting an exercise/stretching routine at Fore Performance (a golf/fitness place near me) this coming Monday after a TPI assessment. Ironically, if I need to hit a high shot (say over a tree), I seem to make some of my best swings (I imagine it has to do with my setup and the need to get the ball up rather quickly). But, I have found something that that helps me make the coil easier. Another huge discovery. Its very easy to stand up and rotate flat in the backswing. I like Smocks swing too. The target is going to be 225lb again. Watch the 2nd video starting at the 2:00 mark, no forcibly twisting of the lower spine. yup, great stretches. I can relate to you on that one brother! A couple of more ho ho's I should be 280 plus. Look no further than the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy for a perfect example. [*][size=4][b][color=#0000ff]Ping G410 LST, Mitsubishi Tensei Orange Pro [/color][/b][/size] I haven't asked for a refund yet since it isn't really Dans fault. Swing Faster And Stop Coming Over The Top Watch on Kyle Morris, named by Golf Digest as one of "America's Best Young Instructors" shows why the use of ones chest too much in the swing can lead to coming over the top and a lack of speed. You can read our review of the book in our rundown of the best golf instruction books, or head to the Now for the Back Nine website if you need more information or want to buy a copy. Given that you are placing the ball in the middle of your stance, wouldnt your stance be wider depending on what club you are using? It appears to me youve probably grown pretty accustomed to a strong-grip, closed face style of play with a flat swing plane. [/quote] I've been playing golf about 15 years and have been as low as an 8 handicap, but currently rest at 13. If you post a video more people will be able to help out. The whole coil and feel the stretch in the left lat thing don't really register on me. Sorry for the mess and the rambling. Related: Keep your feet together to improve your chipping. But it should be said that I spend a lot of time each day stretching. Told Mrs. DGA3 about my post, and she teased me, saying, "They're going to think you are bragging about yourself!". Rock Flying Wings Golf Swing for Barrel Chested Guys like Howard 31Oct2014 RockBurke 848 subscribers Subscribe 5.8K views 8 years ago Show more Dalton McCrary 8 years ago New Thorbjrn. Youd never get rid of me. I have longer arms so my tendency is, as mentioned above, arm run off and a steep downswing. It would feel very uncomfortable and put you in a more or less cramped position. Thanks for the suggestions, so far. More speed ? Irons: Honma TW-X6-11, Wedges: Honma TW-W4 54* / 58* Problem for me is getting arms moving before the right shoulder which then causes my left bicep hits my pec very quickly and everything stops. First, we need a great grip. I also checked out Craig Stadler's, and he, too, is very steep. In this video Mark Wood PGA Advanced Professional shows you a great. Plenty of Youtube vids of both to check out. Swing suggestions for my unusual body type . If thats correct then having the handle point at belt buckle usually works out to be a good shaft/wrist angle. From all my reading/practicing I think something is terribly wrong with my hands during my swing. I have long arms, so my swing looks a little different than a guy with short arms and a larger chest. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. As you turn your body and swing the arms in front of your chest, picture your left arm rotating and your wrists setting so the water will leak out gradually on a line between your feet and the ball. Boy, that really seems to free me up, am I headed for a wreck? My big mis-hit is a push-slice or shank. Hey Grant, Thanks for following my work. Any advice would be wonderful. Thanks for the tip for arm on top .it fixed me overnight I am even drawing the ball again or dead straight.. Callaway Rogue ST Max 18* Tensei 75S, PXG 0211 XCOR2 5-GW Pasted as rich text. There will definitely be a learning curve involved to get comfortable again and time everything. You recommend a very pronounced straight back and chin up posture. Excess knee flex will ruin your motion. Michael Breed teaches you a drill for a better body turn in your golf swing. The only thing I always question now is how my wrists should be at set up. I cant tell you how much you have changed my game! Great architecture, it took over 175 years to build, and its now over 800 years old. [quote name='sblack5' timestamp='1385096461' post='8188352'] If you each out instead of tilting, youll drop the glove. Otherwise, I setup open and hit pull hooks or if I compensate with open stance a push/slice . I have to focus more on being able to breathe at the top I feel the left lat stretching so hard lol. One question: when you stated should feel like your right arm scrapes your left hip coming down.you did mean right arm and not left correct? Wishon 775HS 22*, 25* Your description of how to fix your setup was perfect. I am now 58 my handicap is 14.6 but lately I have lost a lot of distance and should probably be 18, I was never a massive hitter, probably 230 with the driver from a solid shot but now I am lucky to hit 180, 7 iron 110 all perfectly straight. Your left hand should move down your left pant leg toward your left knee as it works inward. Hope it helps! I generally recommend setting the feet just slightly wider than the hips so you see a slight flare to the legs like the trunk of a tree, but nothing too excessive. Being Gumby isn't all its cracked up to be. [quote name='LaterOn61' timestamp='1385085653' post='8187280'] I finally understand how to turn so the head stays centered and the shoulders are not too flat and I don't have to lift the arms. Over time, not playing nearly as much as my kids grew up, I lost the muscle memory for my natural stance. With golf I ALWAYS hit ground behind the ball. As far as the left arm I remember hearing "either go over or under". Club fitting is very important but your address and set up is key. Just a light difference in ball position. Hope this helps you can always sign-up for an online lesson if you have a way to send me some video. My basic iron setup tries to align the shaft with the belt buckle picturing the shaft like a T-square with the leading edge of face perfectly square. Why do you turn your shoulders 90*?

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barrel chested golf swing