It still felt new and exciting, knowing that some bits of the future has changed because of him. Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He is intuitive and rather intelligent when it comes to solving problems. Blaze's Big Movie is a film based on the Nick Jr. series, Blaze and the Monster Machines. When three big deliveries are needed all over Axle City, there's only one monster machine with the power to haul it all: Big Rig Blaze! Truckball Team-Up The Mystery Bandit Gasquatch! Gabby (voiced by Angelina Wahler in Season 1 through "Tow Truck Tough", Molly Jackson in "Need for Blazing Speed" through Season 5 and Luna Bella Zamora in Season 6 through present) is a knowledgeable human mechanic with light skin, blue eyes and purple hair in a ponytail and wears a white shirt with blue overalls, though she switches to a white and blue racing suit and helmet with goggles when riding with Blaze. Blaze jumped into the hole, and the others followed suit. Blaze asked the monkey. "Is Roarianhere?" So happy your son is enjoying it! We start recording Season 7 today!!! When he hears about the magical place then he sets his views there. The mechanic alarms have gone off because robots are destroying Axle City! Stripes wassniffing around some trees. Gabby runs Axle City's garage and truck wash. With her trusty tools at her side, Gabby is the mechanic for all the top racing trucks in town. Blaze and the Monster Machines is a CG interactive preschool series about Blaze, the worlds greatest monster truck, and his best buddy and driver, a boy named AJ. AJ!" Thanks for the kind words! Taking the mantle of Kamen Rider Zi-O, Hikaro Cabral must gather together heroes from different worlds and dimensions in an effort to stop the Fallen from reviving in 10 Crusher and Pickle have some secrets. Blaze and his friends take a break from racing an enroll at a boarding school when they are suddenly thrust into a world full of unicorns and elves! Crusher and Pickle have some secrets. They went far enough into the tunnel to get to the hole. With AJ behind the wheel, Blaze is able to meet every challenge head on with scientific thinking. she called, slowly driving down the trail. & "Dragon Island Duel", "Fired Up! "Wow, is that all one town," asked Blaze. This is where Blaze transformed into a Race Car for first time to save his new friends of Velocityville and since then, he, his Monster Machine friends and even Crusher and Pickle transform into Race Cars whenever they visit VelocityVille. There's a robot baby that is planning to turn everyone into babies! She's really smart and good with all types of tools, and can fix anything. Pickle's the most adorable, most innocent monster machine around. AJ | Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki | Fandom in: Children, Main characters, Characters, and 3 more AJ View source General Appearances Trivia Gallery Quotes Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. VelocityVille is the location for the "Race Car Adventures" episodes. Darington said, pulling his tire back. She'll tighten your fuel line, boost your suspension, and fix your gear ratio--all before lunch! It was a normal day in the busy town of Axle City, and Blaze, the town's hero, and his driver and best friend, AJ, were on their daily drive through the city. | Science Game for Kids | Blaze and the Monster Machines, Makeover Machines #32 w/ Superhero Blaze! She will tighten your fuel line, boost your suspension, and fix your gear ratioall before lunch. The series revolves around Blaze, a monster truck, and his driver, AJ, as they have adventures in Axle City and learn about various STEM concepts which help them on their way. When a windstorm blows away the supplies for Stripes' Animal Party, Blaze transforms into the one Monster Machine strong enough to haul them all back: a Big Rig. He also trusts her to repair the monster machines. Zeg asked. "We want you to meet our friends, Starla, Watts, Gabby, Darington, Stripes, and Zeg. Blaze is AJ's best friend. Since the animation update, AJ projects a digital diagram on his wrist computer or Blaze's monitor instead of the skywriting, which was only used on occasion. Nick Jr. 2015. "Ya sure you don't wanna try a liver sausage, Crusher?" Rubble asked. Unlike the animals in Axle City and VelocityVille, all of the animals in Animal Island are capable to talk like humans and Monster Machines, in addition to their usual animal noises. AJ (voiced by Dusan Brown in "Blaze of Glory" through "Dragon Island Duel". "Blaze! He's a quick thinker who easily grasps new concepts. Crusher giggled. She is also a close friend with Blaze and AJ. AJ would either transform Blaze or come up with strategies with him, mostly during races in order to escape Crusher's cheats. AJ is generally calm and collected. Gabby: Yes A Simple Theme Wedding Nothing Fancy. In season 3, she was able to drive Watts. Gabby has all the right tools to fix up Blaze and the Monster Machines in these mechanic missions #GabbysMechanicMissions #GamesForKids #MonsterTruck #VehiclesForKids #CarVideosSubscribe for more Blaze and the Monster Machines: more Blaze and the Monster Machines:**ADVERTISEMENT**Watch Blaze and the Monster Machine full episodes FOR FREE on the Nick Jr. App.iTunes: can also download premium apps featuring Blaze and the Monster Machines on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon: iTunes: Play: Here you will meet Blaze in different guises, AJ, Gabby and other cartoon characters. So If You See Him You Might Be In For A Big Surprise. AJ: I Know It Much But. Gabby also drives a purple ATV. He had an idea for today: he and AJ would go to the Great Forest and visit their friend, Roarian, the Flying Lion, and they would bring their friends along. When Blaze and his friends visit Animal Island, instead of STEM Concepts, the "Wild Wheels" episodes teach viewers educational facts about all kinds of Animals. AJ And Gabby Smile AJ Leaned Over For A Kiss But Gabby Beat Him To It AJ Was Surprised But He Returned A Kiss. "And I've never seen trees with pink leaves before!" "Maybe Gabby's gonna find a hotdog in your engine again!" Starla joked. They would love the Great Forest! He's over by the cliff! AJ has a special visor built into his helmet, which allows him to see things that no one else can. Gabby drives Watts. Gabby added. It's wonderful to see you both again. Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Follow/Fav Reverse And Diverse (Blaze and the Monster Machines) By: Marialine. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). & "Officer Blaze", "Dino Derby", "Dinosaur Parade", "Dino Coaster" & "Dino Dash", "Big Rig to the Rescue! Blaze and the Monster Machines DVD releases are distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment under the Nickelodeon label. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere." Down below, the city was very busy. She also has a black belt with two packs attached to it, and a silver belt buckle with her gear symbol in the middle. He had lost his daughter once. Together, Blaze and AJ laugh, solve problems, and make a true winning team. Blaze: Your Right Let's Go To Gabby's. AJ: Okay. Blaze, AJ, and Gabby use blazing . -, 2014-15, Gabbys a mechanic with serious monster truck know-how. "So, what's this big surprise you have for us, Blaze?" "You're back!" They arrived in the tunnel, which had the gateway to the Great Forest. Animal Island is a location in the Monster Machines' World where animals of all kinds reside, including insects. Hi! Blaze and AJ replied simultaneously. - Gabby Saw The Engagement Ring It Was A Simple Golden Band With A Little Embedded On The Top. She fixes up the trucks when they are damaged and sometimes rides with AJ and Blaze to take part in some of their adventures. Red Swamp Plants Surrounded Him. Then later on, Watts join the main cast in Season 3. MagnaAngemon: I Pronounce You Husband And Wife You May Kiss The Bride. Blaze and the Monster Machines S01E20 Sneezing Cold. | Blaze and the Monster Machines, Looking for Disney Pixar Cars On the Rocky Road : Lightning Mcqueen, Chick Hicks, King, Flo, Ramone, Crusher Builds Robots #18 | Games For Kids | Blaze and the Monster Machines, Blazes High Speed Train Races! This page was last edited on 30 April 2023, at 01:30. Snowdance rolled her eyes, and in the sweetest voice, she said, "Yes, dear. He dosen't know that someone wants those p Crusher is missing from the race. They live in a world that involves many living monster trucks called "Monster Machines". Blaze and the monster machines Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Ferris (voiced by Jeff Bennett) is a chopped roof tow truck. Pickle: This Is Lucy And Her Monster Truck Merrick They Just Moved Here A Few Days Ago. He has special skywriting gloves that he uses to sketch his designs in the air, as well as an amazing helmet visor that acts as a super tool for calculating distance, weights, and speeds. And soon enough, Blaze and AJ drove up to meet Darington, along with his other friends Starla, Zeg and Gabby. "This place is amazing!" Boys love monster trucks and AJ gets to drive one! AJ: Your Welcome And Thank You For Making Me The Happiest Guy. Captured at a young age, Crusher and Pickle are forced to stay in the surface until help arrived to take them back home to their underwater home. Work Search: Zeg asked, quickly looking around. However, disaster st idk what to write. Blaze. AJ! Futurama - Blues - Clues As Told By Ginger. w/ AJ | 30 Minute Compilation | Blaze and the Monster Machines, Spin the Robot Blaze Wheel #22 w/ AJ & Trouble Bot! AJ is Blaze's 8-year old best friend and driver. The Big Olive itself. They then arrived in the Great Forest. Gabby Was Excited For The Dresses, But It's Hard To Pick Out A Dress. ", "You too, Roarian," AJ replied back. Jsjskss. "One town a million troubles," answered Phil, "the one and only Thebes. Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. . Ask and dare the gang! Watch this full scene to find out what happens next! Despite this, AJ and Gabby are both humans. 14:41. As a technology expert, AJ is very smart and knows all about different machines and types of science, and how each one works. Gabby: AJ, You're My Only True Love Your Brave, Cute And Funny. "This way, everyone! Basically Blaze and Crusher are paired together for a challenge and have to find out how they can somehow get along. Entertainment, Gabby's Mechanic Missions! Thank you so much! The other was abused and adopted for the good. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Blaze and AJ give themselves a moment to realize they spoke at the same time, then laugh. Bolt And Shock Was Muttering Over Each Other. AJ: It's My Older Brother And His Monster Machine Walter. "We're glad to see you, too, guys," AJ told them. Doesn't really go so well. Blaze smiled. "Uh-oh. Gabby Return His Smiled. The monkey nodded. by Moonaline 6.3K 33 12 Title says it all! There was a big race that day, and they were ready to zoom through the track with the rest of their friends for the trophy. is an 8-year old boy and the deuteragonist in Blaze and the Monster Machines, and Blaze's driver and best friend. The Episode Ends With Gabby And AJ Holding Hands. Color away as Blaze and AJ go on adventures. Gabby: It's Nice , But None Of Them Is Perfect. w/ Blaze | 30 Minute Compilation | Blaze and the Monster Machines, Spot the Difference #7 w/ Blaze! | Science Games for Kids | Blaze and the Monster Machines, , Stripes Rescues & Races! Apr 11, 2019 - Blaze and the Monster Machines is such a fun show for kids. Truck Rangers Trouble at the Truck Wash Zeg and the Egg Runaway . It is 91 minutes long. "Hi. One was given and lost without parents. But even Big Rig Blaze may not be able to . Animals in this Monster Machine world have blended windows (which have been removed as of season 5) and wheels. He's AJ . AJ: I'm AJ. AJ can also operate the major parts of the machines Blaze transforms into. Blaze and the Monster Machines Blaze Obstacle Course - Blaze Monster Machines Transform Super Eagle. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. To reach VelocityVille, Blaze and his friends travel to it with help from their friend, Swoops, whom Blaze and AJ first met before he offers them a ride on their very first visit to VelocityVille. Join Gabby, Watts, Blaze, and AJ in this fun mechanic game Watch the latest episode, Current version: 2023.04.25-9dfa268 @ master, Blaze only smiled. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Blaze/Crusher (Blaze and the Monster Machines), AJ & Gabby (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Blaze & Gabby (Blaze and the Monster Machines). Blaze introduced his friends to the animals, and they immediately hit it off. Gabby: Of Course I Will Never Say No To You. AU where Blaze and AJ are secretly fairies in disguise, but when a familiar enemy captures Blaze's parents, it seems that their secret must come out. Shock: Or Kiss The Groom Because That Make Sense. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, The cat and ladybug miraculous had been whisked away to a place called Axle City. He promised to return her tools in Tool Duel after Crusher stole them while being followed by his best pal Pickle. The first season consisted of 20 episodes. Blaze: Hi AJ. Danny: Hey AJ I've Heard About The Wedding. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. also gay Trucks because i am opsessed. Blaze, AJ, and Gabby use blazing speed to . tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (3), Crusher (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), Pickle (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), Blaze (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), Starla (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), Watts (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), Stripes (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), Gabby (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), Crusher/Pickle (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), Blaze/Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), Starla/Watts (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), AJ/Gabby (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (3), Crusher & Crusher's Grammy (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (2), AJ & Blaze (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (2), Blaze & Crusher (Blaze and the Monster Machines) (2), AJ/Gabby (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine, Crusher/Pickle (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Blaze/Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Starla/Watts (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher (Blaze and the Monster Machines) & Ezra Bridger & Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher (Blaze and the Monster Machines) & Ezra Bridger, Gabby/AJ (Blaze and the Monster Machines), AJ & Blaze (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Blaze & Crusher (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher & Pickle (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher & Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher & Stripes (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher & Starla (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher & Watts (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher & AJ (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher & Gabby (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher & Crusher's Grammy (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher & Zeg (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher's Grammy (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Crusher & Blaze (Blaze and the Monster Machines), Pickle Family (Blaze and the Monster Machines). AJ: You Want To Be Friends? After Bright Red Flash. | Blaze and the Monster Machines, Ambulance Rescue Car | Police Car |Songs for Kids by Toonaland, Helper cars for kids & vehicles for kids. Veliina: 6 cm. Shock: I Can Do This I Can't Use Knives Man But I Can Use Iron Tail. "Who?" Stripes asked. He had his chance to get her back. But when Crusher learns he hasn't done enough nice things to get a gift, Blaze helps him do good deeds to earn himself a present. Blaze might also transform into a different vehicle or artifact depending on the situation. Blaze cheered as he and AJ zoomed towards the Monster Dome. Each episode also features Crusher, a sneaky blue lightning bolted tractor-trailer who cheats in races, but slowly evolves into a nicer character. "Name's Snowdance. Suddenly, a thunder cloud rolled in out of nowhere. Starla exclaimed. Watts, Gabby, Stripes, Zeg, Starla and Darington were there waiting on them. NOT QUITE THE SAME THING single use material - keeping with the wishes - please press start. Now they can color their favorite characters. Please consider turning it on! She keeps the same pads from her regular outfit. But what if it's all an act? When Gabby competes in a Monster Machine event with Watts, she wears a white and magenta version of her racing suit. However, Blaze and AJ manage to get through his traps, and they always beat him in time. She's really smart and good with all types of tools, and can fix anything. ", "Epic Sail" & "The Team Truck Challenge", "Zeg and the Egg", "Dino Dash", "Gasquatch!" Darington and Blaze looked at each other and they touched the magic frost trail. She never gives up and is always there to finish the job. Gabby has all the right tools to fix up Blaze and the Monster Machines in these mechanic missions #GabbysMechanicMissions #GamesForKids #MonsterTruck #VehiclesForKids #CarVideos. Starla assured her that they would take care of her until her mama returned. Where Axle City is inhabited by Monster Machines, VelocityVille's inhabitants are Race Cars. Blaze of Glory The Driving Force Tool Duel The Bouncy Tires Epic Sail Stuntmania! He wears a white, red and black racer outfit, with an optional red and black helmet. Blaze and the Monster Machines is a computer-animated interactive children's television series with a focus on teaching science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) that premiered on Nickelodeon on October 13, 2014. ", "It's nice to meet you, too, Crysta," Blaze said, smiling. MagnaAngemon: Gabby Do You Take AJ As Your Husband? Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Blaze may sometimes get a task done with the help of his Blazing Speed, a special power that allows him to go super fast. AJ: Gabby Your The Most Beautiful Girl That I Ever Met Your Nice Cute Helpful. the panda exclaimed. "And I love that gem around his neck!" | Games for Kids | Blaze and the Monster Machines, Gabby is ready for adventures and rescues with Blaze and the Monster Machines, but first she has to make sure all systems are check! He has special Skywriting Gloves that he uses to sketch his designs in the air, as well as an amazing helmet visor that acts as a super tool for calculating distance, weights, and speeds. "Hey, that sounds like Crusher!". 7 seasons. He finally beat Blaze at the race and won the Team Truck Challenge. He's Slimy Creepy Fast And Strong. I'm Crysta. "Whoa!" It is Blaze and AJ, the ones who have Roarian." Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! During the race, Crusher cheats, usually with the help of his gray robot parts. [4] On May 22, 2018, it was renewed for a fifth season which premiered on August 16, 2019. In the Season 1 episode "The Mystery Bandit", at the very ending scene, it turns out to be that he was actually the one who took the lost items. There's a robot baby that is planning to turn everyone into babies! Blaze and the Monster Machines focuses on Blaze, an orange-red monster truck, and his smart, young driver, AJ. w/ Blaze & AJ #4 | Games For Kids | Blaze and the Monster Machines, Blaze Space Rescues & Adventures! Ezra lends Marinette and Adrien a hand to get them back, but he's not the only one who tracked him down. Blaze: Yes I Will Be Friends With You. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. This will be a slice of life kinda story. Guys, this is Roarian, the Flying Lion!" "Are they who I think they are?" It Started When An Alien Device What It Did. Episode Transcripts. In the town of Axle City, two racing trucks have been through most epic adventures, rescues, and have made the most of memorable moments in their lives. Monster Machine friends, both in Axle City and other areas of the Monster Machine world, include the Great Sphinx, Pegwheel Pete and his Pirate Crew, Bump Bumperman, Joe and Gus, Gasquatch, the Light Thief (a kangaroo), the Litter Critter (a raccoon), and the Treat Thief (a mouse). Blaze and AJ reunited with their friends, smiling. The visor deploys, and various details can be shown, such as an objects weight, a trajectory of where an object will land, the amount of force something has, and other scientific reasons. ", A baby snow leopard, much smaller than her mom, crept out from the inside of the clouds. AJ (or A.J.) 30 Minute Compilation | Blaze and the Monster Machines, Mail Truck Blaze Monster Machine! Their friends include their truck friends, Starla, Stripes, Zeg, Darington, and Watts (as of Season 3), as well as Gabby, who is a mechanic who can fix anything and later on Watts' Monster Machine driver and close friend (as of Season 3). I've heard so much about you from my friends. MagnaAngemon: AJ, Do You Take Gabby As Your Wife? Mpreg. she asked worriedly. During a race, Crusher's latest cheat gets him knocked out bad, losing all of his memories. Blaze and AJ recognized that scream. She always has the right tools to fix the trucks in need, and is grateful to help them. Darington whooped and Zeg giggled the whole way down. Most of the time they were used to help select a transformation. Gabby has light skin, purple hair in a ponytail, and blue eyes. Axle City is the main location of the series and where Blaze, AJ, Gabby, and all of the rest of the Monster Machines live. AU where a 5-year old Crusher is adopted by the Blaze Fam and is raised with them. Blaze Of Glory (Part 1) Blaze: Yes I'm Blaze The Monster Machine. AJ is a technology expert who knows all about different machines and how they work. Based on. 24:44. [8], Blaze and the Monster Machines premiered on Nick Jr. in the United Kingdom and Ireland on March 6, 2015[9] and on Nick Jr. in Australia and New Zealand on March 9. - Official press release, Blaze's best pal and driver, AJ, is an 8-year-old thrill-seeker who loves to drive fast, fly high, and make a big splash. "That's Roarian's sunstone. Blaze and The Monster Machines Stop Searching, Start Streaming Sign Up Now AJ is an 8-year-old techie who drives monster-truck Blaze, the top racer in Axle City. Roarian spotted them and flew down, with a smile on his face. Special Mission Blaze is here to save the day! He is equipped with various gadgets, like his skywriting gloves which allow him to draw pictures in mid-air, and his Visor View in his helmet which he uses to see things faraway. Gabby is the 10-year old human mechanic in Axle City who runs the Axle City Garage. He and Gabby are friends. She always carries her toolbox with her in case of a fix, and knows just . But when their f How Blaze has those magical powers? Gabby: My Mom Will Like You As A Son In Law. Monster Machines race events include Stuntmania, the Axle City Grand Prix and the Race to the Top of the World. AJ is a technology expert who knows all about different machines and how they work. Its magic is what gives him his powers," he explained excitedly. On August 31, 2017, the first two seasons and the first half of the third season were added to the Noggin app. In this collection, you will get to know the cartoon characters better and be able to give them bright colors. But will it be as easy as it sounds? Most of the time, Gabby is shown to be gutsy, determined and hard-working. Gabby: My Mom Will Like You As A Son In Law. | Blaze and the Monster Machines, Strange Sound Underground | Police Cartoon | Cartoon for Kids | Sheriff Labrador | BabyBus. Gabby And Shocksquatch Saw Their Friends , Gabby's Mom , Her Two Older Brother, And Her Sister. Children. Looks like you have JavaScript turned off. Mpreg. "We're glad to see you, too, guys," AJ told them. Blaze and the Monster Machines meet the Mer-Pups View source Chapter 1 It was another night in Adventure Bay, and the Monster Machines, Watts, Blaze, AJ, Gabby, Crusher, Pickle, Starla and Darington, were visiting their PAW Patrol pals. In Season 3, Gabby becomes the driver for Watts, the newest member of the Monster Machines. No matter the cause. "She's always after Roarian and his sunstone, so she can be the most powerful magic animal in the Great Forest. Everyone said hello to him. Blaze (Blaze and the Monster Machines) AJ (Blaze and the Monster Machines) Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines) Stripes (Blaze and the Monster Machines) Zeg (Blaze and the Monster Machines) Watts (Blaze and the Monster Machines) Gabby (Blaze and the Monster Machines) Starla (Blaze and the Monster Machines) Everyone looked up at it. First Blaze and the Monster Machines Fanfic. - Official press release, Gabby's a 9-year-old mechanic with serious monster truck know-how. [5] On February 19, 2020, the series was renewed for a sixth season which premiered on December 18, 2020. She always carries her toolbox with her in case of a fix, and knows just the right ones to use. We See AJ Was Walking Around The Park Nervously. Blaze, Ahmad and AJ are excited to play with their new friend Roarian, the Flying Lion. Each episode features two or three original songs usually performed by Blaze and AJ offscreen, when they're setting off on their adventure or demonstrating the episode's STEM concept. Gabby is the 10-year old human mechanic in Axle City who runs the Axle City Garage. He dosen't know ether. Gabby is a 9-year old girl and feisty mechanic and one of the main characters of Blaze and the Monster Machines. Blaze and the Monster Machines is a CGI-animated computer-animated interactive children's television series with a focus on teaching STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) that premiered on Nickelodeon on October 13, 2014. Blaze introduced his friends to the animals, and they immediately hit it off. AJ is a human with light brown skin, dark brown hair and brown eyes. He Breaks Free. After A Red Flash. "Hoppin' hubcaps! Crusher X Pickle. 21:44. Just a collection of the ships I wanna do. Starla cheered. We have Blaze, AJ, Gabby, Starla, Pickle and [] Character Death. She often joins Blaze for his adventures. When riding with Watts, she wears the same suit as described above, but has pink accents instead of blue. AJ always notices the inventions Crusher sends to stop him and Blaze, to sometimes even notice Crusher doing things to keep them from winning himself. The upper part of his outfit has a flame symbol on it. Based on the same type of, Rudy (voiced by Jeff Bennett) is Crusher's teammate. She turned to Blaze and AJ. Blaze, AJ and the Monster Machines saw Thebes they ware amazed. Contents 1 Plot 2 Synopsis 3 Characters 4 Trailers 5 Sneak Peek 6 Film Transcript 7 Transcipt Logo Plot Axle City has been taken over by an evil truck named Dr. Tire Grease.
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