Following a public consultation held in 2021, and a debate at the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee, the Cabinet Member for Environmenthas taken the decision to keep the booking system on a permanent basis. Just make sure you call and verify that they are still accepting them before you haul everything over as policies are often changing. VHS tapes consist of several different parts and each is difficult to recycle. Manage Settings However, the following wastes are chargeable: Alternatively find out how you can recycle some of your household waste recycling products orcontact your local borough or district council kerbside collection information. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Bookings can be made quickly and easily on Hampshire County Council's website or by telephone on 023 8017 9949, Monday to Friday 9am to 5:30pm. Please visit our getting in touch page to give us your feedback or ask a question. The new system for residents to book slots at Hampshire's Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) will begin on Monday 15 June 2020. People without access to the internet can call 0117 922 2100 Monday to Friday between 8.30am to 6pm (closed midday to 1.30pm on Wednesday). Drop off your confidential documents for secure shredding at a location close to you. Since there is little to no money in this type of recycling, they can be tough to find, but with a bit of effort and some phone calls, you should be able to find one. Leading organizations choose Shred-it to provide document security, ensure information privacy, and enable compliance. Trash & Recycling Drop Off Locations. Click here to visit Hampshire County Councilfor more information. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, Household Waste Recycling Centres & Local Bring Sites, Waste, recycling, grounds maintenance & street cleaning, What you can take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre, HWRC Permit Scheme and Frequently Asked Questions. Find all the New Hampshire Lottery retailers near you with our handy search tool. You can also take a few minutes to make a post on Craigslist or a local Sell/Trade group on Facebook. So what, if anything can you do with all those unwanted and unneeded tapes, DVDs, and CDs filling up your garage or storage? Read our cross border policy for more details. Find out more about where your recycling goes on the Hampshire County Council website. Read about the information you send to us and what we will use it for. Detailed information on local household waste recycling centres and the materials that you can take to each one can be found on Hampshire County Council's waste prevention and recycling. Copyright 2023 New Hampshire Lottery Commission. "Although we have the largest HWRC network in the country, we havent seen a decline in the numbers of people visiting the HWRCs in the weeks since they reopened. The HWRC in Basingstoke is on Wade Road. Helps us to know how many people visit our site by tracking if you've visited before. Siteswill be open from 9am to 6pm seven days a week, however you will have tobook a 30-minute slot up to 48 hours in advance. The new system for residents to book slots at Hampshire's Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) will begin on Monday 15 June 2020. Both DVD and CD discs are made of #7 polycarbonate (PC) plastic as well as aluminum.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'recyclingcenternear_me-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',624,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-recyclingcenternear_me-medrectangle-4-0'); CD jewel cases and DVD keep cases are made of #5 polypropylene (PP) plastic. You have been added to our email list and will receive communications periodically. HampshireLive has compiled a list of the 26 recycling centres open this December so you can get ahead of the game and book your slot. Your future, your place - a vision for Aldershot and Farnborough 2030, Waste, cleaning and landscaping services for local businesses, Local Housing Allowance (LHA) for private tenants, Published data about housing benefit, council tax support and welfare reform, Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area, Farnborough Leisure Centre and Farnborough Bowl. Moving In/Moving out/Change of Owner/Leasholder, Application for Business Rates Retail Discount 2021/22, Gosport Economic Development Strategy 2020-2031, Gosport Employment and Skills Partnership, Agendas and Minutes (prior to August 2018),, Soil, rubble and DIY waste (limited quantities). Hampshire's Household Waste and Recycling Centres could soon allow same-day booking . Any way you can keep these items out of our landfills is a good idea. There are a few recycling centers that still accept VHS tapes so check your local area. They are provided for the public to dispose of any domestic waste, garden waste, recyclable. Confidential information can be found on more than paper; Shred-it has solutions for hard-drive and media destruction. You will need to unload your waste and put it in the appropriate bins. (Between 8:00am and 5:00pm, Mon - Fri). There may be occasions where you are asked to wait whilst operations are carried out on site your booking is still valid, so please be patient with our team. Your blue recycling bin is emptied once every two weeks. Creating an account will save you time by remembering your contact details. We'd also like to use analytics cookies. Your registration number cannot be changed on your booking. NH Lottery App. Arrangements are also being made for a telephone booking line for residents who do not have access to the internet. Recycling more is a worthy goal for homeowners, businesses and communities. Breadcrumbs. Remember to check with your local recycling centers first, but if they do not offer these services, dont be discouraged, a quick search on the internet will lead you to many options to rid yourself of that clutter responsibly. These include: For information on the Gosport HWRC and what you can and cannot take to this site, please contact Hampshire County Council on 0300 555 1389 or Waste: Some household waste is classed as hazardous and must be taken to a specially licensed HWRC site. Medway Council no longer permit Kent residents (who do not pay their Council Tax to Medway Council) to use any of the 3 Medway Council operated HWRCs (Capstone HWRC, Cuxton HWRC and Hoath Way HWRC). Business waste is not accepted at the HWRCs. Protect your business by properly disposing of specialty items including hard drives, branded goods and x-rays. If you're visiting the recycling centres by bike, or on foot at Hartcliffe Way recycling centre only, you do not need to book. Reduce, reuse and recycle to save money and help the environment. As is common practice with many websites this site uses cookies, which are small files that are downloaded to your computer, used to improve your visit to this website. Please note Gosport Borough Council cannot collect items containing or treated with hazardous waste through the Bulky Waste Service. Depending on the title and condition you could be getting anywhere from $2 to $10 per DVD. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'recyclingcenternear_me-leader-1','ezslot_10',636,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-recyclingcenternear_me-leader-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'recyclingcenternear_me-leader-1','ezslot_11',636,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-recyclingcenternear_me-leader-1-0_1');.leader-1-multi-636{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Choose a retailer type and enter information into at least one other field to search. Hampshire County Council provides and manages the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC)located in Grange Road, Gosport. For all enquiries, please contact or if you are unable to use the online booking system please call 0300 555 1389 as Hampshire County Council manage the household waste recycling centre in Basingstoke. The system has meant people have to book a slot within a 30-minute period when they can visit the tip . Please note, unauthorised additional bins will not be emptied and may be removed. Used to manage the rate at which page view requests are made. Winchester Councillor Rob Humby, Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Environment at Hampshire County Council, said: The new Covid-safe working requirements inevitably mean capacity at all of our HWRCs is reduced. What you can and can't put in your blue recycling bin. From June 15, all HWRCs will also revert to their normal summer opening hours of 9am until 6pm, seven days a week. This helps them from getting lost, or being mistakenly taken in by others. As of July 1, 2000, all New Hampshire Lottery retailers may sell/cash draw and scratch games offered by the New Hampshire Lottery. Since the mylar tape inside is difficult to recycle and hazardous, it is nearly impossible to find many local centers to recycle VHS tapes. You'll need to book a slot online before you visit. Copyright 2023 Eastleigh Borough Council, before 2pm on the normal day of collection, you can report it as a. . Get started immediately. Curbside recycling programs do not accept DVDs and CDs because they get caught in the sorting machines, but both the discs themselves and the plastic cases are if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'recyclingcenternear_me-box-3','ezslot_3',851,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-recyclingcenternear_me-box-3-0');recyclable. Expression of interest to be a host for Ukrainian refugees. Oswego - 136 Kirkland Circle. To visit one of our household waste recycling centres (HWRC) you must book a slot in advance. NH Lottery YouTube Choose when and where you want your service. Google Analytics stores information about the pages you visit, how long you stay, how you get here and what you click on. A pre-booking system for residents to access Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) was introduced on 15 June. Find out which day we empty your bins and print out your bin collection calendar. If you are looking for a trash or recycling drop off location near you, please enter your address. Please ensure you load your vehicle in a manner that allows you to empty your vehicle at the HWRC. Dorset Council residents need to book a slot to access Somerley. We collect small electrical items for recycling every week. Nowadays, most of us utilize streaming or digital storage, eliminating the need for physical storage of the media, which is more convenient and better for the environment. The booking system was kept in place following the lockdown restrictions ending because: In Kent, fly-tipping has reduced slightly. The disposal of all general household waste or green garden waste is free of charge. It appears that your web browser does not support JavaScript, or you have temporarily disabled scripting. You can also read about the booking system and visiting a HWRC in our HWRC frequently asked questions document (PDF, 108.4 KB). While it is possible to recycle all of those unwanted DVDs and CDs piled up in your garage or closet, the neighborhood recycling bin is not the place. Winchester Bishops Waltham New Alresford Waterloovile. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. This helps the site to function smoothly during your visit. Arrange a collection of larger items of household waste. Did you know that ifyou hire an unregistered waste carrierthatflytips yourrubbish, you could facea fine and prosecution? Residents should only travel to a HWRC if the build-up of waste in your home may pose a risk of injury or to health. People will have to book to take their rubbish to the tip across Hampshire after the reopening of waste recycling centres sparked traffic chaos last month. We arrive on the scheduled date, collect your confidential information, and securely destroy it. it has not resulted in an influx of fly-tipping. Book a slot. If not, companies like Greendisk or CD Recycling Center will accept your unwanted disks and recycle them. Alternatives to Disposing of DVDs and CDs. If you drive a restricted vehicle, you must apply for a vehicle voucher before booking a slot. The coronavirus crisis will cost Hampshire councils at least 80million, Southampton gets seagull-proof smart bins that tell collectors when they're full, Hampshire hour-by-hour bank holiday Monday weather as Met Office forecasts thunderstorms, There will be a mixture of sunshine, cloud and rain, Urgent appeal for missing Eastleigh 14-year-old girl with links to Basingstoke and Southampton. It should be clean, dry and loose. If you cannot access theonline booking system, call 03000 41 73 73 (Text Relay 18001 03000 41 73 73). Drawings These items will not decompose in our landfills and can be used to find new life in new plastic products if recycled. If not, companies like Greendisk or CD Recycling Center will accept your unwanted disks and recycle them. See Chapter Sw 300 rules for Sales Agents for applicable rules and regulations. Hazardous waste information page.Gosport HWRC Opening hours. Please visit Hampshire County Councils website for more information and to book a slot; You can take a variety. A location of council bring sites are listed below. KENO 603 drawings are held every 5 minutes from 11:05 AM to 1 AM daily. Portsmouth City Council has announced new rules for tips, and household waste and recycling centre visits from July 1. Our site staff may help customers where possible but they must not lift or remove heavy builders bags or hippo bags as they are not designed to be moved manually. Find out about our weekly food waste recycling collections and how to cut down the amount of food you waste. Something went wrong, please try again later. You never know who may be interested, and its better to make a few bucks or even give them away than to toss them in the garbage. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Latest: click here to find out about the new opening times, charges and when the phased changes will take place at the Hampshire Recycling Centres. Members of the public will now have to book an appointment before attending, and those without an allocated slot will be turned away.. Booking is now open for Paulsgrove Household Waste Recycling Centre visits from Wednesday (July 1), and can be done online here. From coasters and clocks to candle holders there are lots of ideas for making use of some of your old favorite DVDs you no longer use. If you cannot locate one in your area, you can try a service like which will require you to box up your old collection and ship them. Don't take the risk. A quick Pinterest search will reveal hundreds of ideas and images. Recycling Your recycling should be put in your black bin. Periodic emails that keep you up-to-date with the latest in workplace privacy news, trends, promotions and best-practices. When you arrive on site you will be directed onto site and given guidance on which bins are suitable for the waste you have brought. "Well also have confidence that waste vehicles will be able to enter HWRCs to service the bins without getting stuck in traffic which means we can keep the sites open for longer each day.. To find out how we'll use the information you provide, read ourprivacy notice. Help with bookings Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) are provided and operated by Hampshire County Council. There are four Household Waste Recycling Centres (dump/tips) in the Winchester district where you can take unwanted household items. For more ideas on creative ways to use your old CDs and DVDs check out Pinterest or Etsy. We can collect your garden waste once a fortnight for a charge. There are four Household Waste Recycling Centres (dump/tips) in the Winchester district where you can take unwanted household items. The Lottery is closer than you think! Create Account / Log in or Continue as guest Sending your collection may take a little effort, since you will need to box and pay for shipping, but they are saved from ending up in the landfill, where they would sit as they do not biodegrade.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'recyclingcenternear_me-banner-1','ezslot_5',634,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-recyclingcenternear_me-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'recyclingcenternear_me-banner-1','ezslot_6',634,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-recyclingcenternear_me-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-634{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. What are CD cases and DVD cases made out of? We collect batteries for recycling every week. These centres accept a range of waste types including bulky waste items that cannot be managed by your regular collections service. Home; Bin collections; What you can and can't recycle. Once you have booked you will receive an email confirming: Your reference number is required when you visit on the day, or you need to cancel or rearrange. Bookings on the new system must be made 48 hours in advance. Protect your information end-to-end using our secure containers paired with scheduled service. Find outmore about what each centre can accept below. Continue with Recommended Cookies. About cookies. Detailed information on local household waste recycling centres and the materials that you can take to each one can be found on Hampshire County Council's waste prevention and recycling pages, who manage the centres. If you are disposing of waste contaminated or potentially contaminated with COVID-19, please: You must follow the above before bringing this waste to the centre or putting it out for kerbside collection. Book an appointment to visit your Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) Vehicle registration and booking for Hampshire HWRCs 1. The discs are sorted and processed, then given new life as building materials, automotive products, or even office equipment. Is there anything we should know before we contact you? Make sure your carrier is registered by searching for them on the, Hampshire County Council's waste prevention and recycling, Fair Oak Household Waste Recycling Centre, Hedge End Household Waste Recycling Centre, EastleighHousehold Waste Recycling Centre, taking sofas and other upholstered items to HWRCs. The situation will be monitored and the Council has the option of increasing capacity at our remaining sites should the need arise. Private bring sites, such as those operated by some supermarkets, are not affected by these changes. Palos Heights - 12222 S. Harlem (No appliances) West Chicago - 33W361 Roosevelt Rd (computers and small items ONLY, no broken lcd monitors) Start with a FREE risk assessment. Surprisingly there is still a market for some classic VHS movies and shows. If you need to use a van or a trailer at the HWRC a permit must be applied for via Hampshire County Council, Sign up for email updates on council services, news and events. SO23 9LJ, Housing (including reporting a repair): 01962 848 400. There are additional measures in place to ensure the safe operation of the sites please visittheir websitefor more information. Pleasephone Streetscene on 08000 198 598 or to find out more aboutBulky Household Waste Collections. There are many bottle banks and local recycling points across Aldershot and Farnborough. You can fill in this form anonymously, but if you'd like us to get back to you, please provide your contact details. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. your vehicle is restricted and how to get a voucher, recycle some of your household waste recycling products, contact your local borough or district council, transfer station, permitted waste station or pay a licensed company, Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee, HWRC frequently asked questions document (PDF, 108.4 KB), attend as many times as you want through multiple bookings.
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